Edit a User

Here you can edit an existing OTrack.

Required fields

All required fields are marked with a asterix (*). You will need to enter data into each of these fields before you can add the user to your OTrack account.

Personal information

These fields allow you to update basic personal information about the users in your school.

Login details

User these two fields to update the users username and email address. Please note: the email that you enter needs to be a genuine email address, this because an activation email will be sent to the user. The email address will also be used if you ever need to instigate resetting a users password.

Uploading a photo

You can upload a photo or image for the user if you wish (this isn’t a required field). You can either drag an image from your computer or click on the ‘add image’ icon to browse and upload an image.


This drop-down field allows you to change the type of access and permissions you want to give to the user. Please read our Understanding Permissions article for more info.

Updated on February 2, 2023

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