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Test Scores Input

Here you can record the outcomes of tests that pupils take in your school.

Entering data

Simply click into the cell for the appropriate pupil and test paper, then input the outcome score that the pupil has achieved. The data will automatically save as you move/click away from the cell.

Your score ranges

As you know, OTrack allows you to record whatever score ranges your school specifies. To view the codes that your OTrack Admin (usually your headteacher) requested to use – click on the ‘Codes’ button towards the top-right of the page.

Year groups, classes and terms

To load a different year group, class or term simply use the drop-down menus to load the marksheet that you require.

Using the toolbar

You can use the assessment toolbar to change how you view the data. Toolbar Explained

Subjects/Test Papers

Subjects are grouped together using the same groupings as found in the DFE national curriculum. You can use the ‘Core Subjects’, ‘Foundation Subjects’ and ‘Other Subjects’ tags to find the subjects you want.


Read more

Can I hide subjects?

In short, yes! Read our article about this here: Hiding subjects, and bookmarking your assessment screen.

Updated on February 2, 2023

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